Discontinuities in CO2 Storage Reservoirs 

DISCO2 STORE members meeting at Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées

On 13 December 2021, the members of the DISCO2 STORE consortium met at the Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées, Champs-sur-Marne, France.

Juan Cruz Barría (UNPSJB/ENPC), Diego G. Manzanal (UPM), Christian M. Martín (UBA/ENPC), and Teresa M. Pique (YTEC) work on the WP6 "CO2-induced multiphysics couplings in mechanical discontinuities" coordinated by Jean-Michel Pereira (ENPC), and this meeting presented them with an opportunity to exchange expertise and share results they've achieved during their secondments so far.

Their discussions covered these main topics:

  • First experimental results on the characterization of different systems under saturated CO2 atmosphere. How to improve and how to continue?
  • Analysis of the chemo-mechanical coupled constitutive modeling. How to include damage constitutive modeling and the mechanical discontinuity of the cement/rock interface?

There are many more discussions ahead of this scholars. Hopefully, next time they will meet up in Argentina - the destination of the forthcoming secondments in 2022.



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