Discontinuities in CO2 Storage Reservoirs 

Santiago G. SolazziWP3 lead

University of Lausanne

Santiago G. Solazzi received his MSc and PhD degrees in geophysics from the La Plata University (UNLP), Argentina, in 2012 and 2018, respectively. For his undergraduate work, he received the award to the best grade point average of the Geophysics course of studies (2012) and the Joaquin V. Gonzales prize to the best students of the UNLP (2013). For his PhD research, he was awarded the Distinguished Postgraduate recognition given by the Faculty of Astronomy and Geophysics (UNLP). He is currently a Postdoctoral researcher at the Institute of Earth Sciences, in the University of Lausanne, Switzerland

Research interests: relationships between partial saturation characteristics (fluid content, distribution, capillarity, among many others) and seismic signatures of porous rocks (velocities, amplitudes, anisotropy)

Telephone: +41216924411

(santiago.solazzi @ unil.ch)

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